Visual Arts

Wall Illusions
Child's Play
Studio Lyra
Wall Illusions
Child's Play
Studio Lyra

Often asked what influences a lyric, or how I go about the craft of song… I’ve decided to reveal yet another shade of my creative.…

Truth is, I don’t identify as a poet, author, songwriter, nor any such title vainly bestowed. I’m simply obsessed with living out life embracing emotions most would fear… tracing fingertips ’pon textures untouched…. nuances overlooked….. healing through colour, sound, and word…… catharsis of soul.

Only those birthed of such labour may comprehend how true art is not at all of statement, rather state of heart.

Passion has marked these hands grounded within roots, wielding knives & brushes often as I would the pen or microphone! With each loving brushstroke… a word is quilled…. every feathered layer….. a verse.


For those unable to purchase a copy, but feel this work might help toward healing - please accept our humble gift and listen FREE by clicking "Our Gift" button.